Grapevine Ministries
Messages from the bible to uplift and encourage those that need a word from the Lord, to strengthen their faith. Ps Phillip Barker is an itinerant pastor in Perth, Western Australia.
Grapevine Ministries
Spirit-Filled Living: Aligning Life with Divine Purpose
Witness the power of prayer and the art of faithful simplicity, inspired by the wisdom of Charles Mingus. We discuss how starting small can lead to monumental achievements in your spiritual journey. Beyond just attending church, we reveal the call for genuine discipleship and the necessity of spreading the gospel through positive influence. Learn how to rely on God’s strength for true success, rather than human capabilities alone. And for those looking to deepen their spiritual enrichment, we highlight how digital tools like the Holy Bible app can enhance your connection with the Word of God, offering daily inspiration and guidance. Join us as we explore these themes and embrace the impact of living out our faith with authenticity.
Good morning, good afternoon, wherever you are in the world - Welcome to Grapevine Ministries.
Welcome back everybody. Now, just to recap, we're on Christians of Prayer, the importance of praying for Christians, and just a little bit of recap. We've been going through a few scriptures. Now I just want to start off with Luke 6, 46. And why call me Lord Lord and do not the things which I say when we make him absolute? This is the Lord. In our lives, we seek to do the things that he commands, and part of this is for us to be able to walk in the Spirit. The will of God for every believer is that he be Spirit-filled, which means controlled by the Holy Spirit. When one is saved and the Holy Spirit moves into his spirit. But just because he resides in there does not make him president or king for most of us. We live our lives and ourselves on the throne. Now let me clarify this. It's basically when you get born again, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us, because Jesus went to the cross for us and then he sent, when he went away, to be seated at the right hand of the Father. He actually sent us a comforter, which is the Holy Spirit.
Speaker 1:Now, once you've got spirit to spirit, because we are three-part being, we're body, soul and spirit and when we come born again, our spirit connects with the spirit of God. So our spirit, man, can no longer be ruled by things of the world. Okay, it's spirit to spirit. So there is no way that you can. You know, basically there's no way that you can sin spiritually. But because we are spirit, soul and body, our body is something that naturally breaks down and there's also the added thing of saying what you eat is who you are. Okay, and our third part of our body, basically, is our logic, reasoning, it's our ability to make decisions for ourselves, because God gave us free will. So you can be born again right, and have the spirit of Jesus living within you and still go out there sinning and living amongst the world. You've got to remember that. It says in the word that we live in this world but we're not of it. I hope that clarifies that a little bit.
Speaker 1:So, just because the analogy of being spirit-filled is laid out in Ephesians 5.18, which is to contrast the spirit-filled person with a drunk who walks and talks influenced by the drink that is in him. He is controlled by the drink. Now I know some of you are going to get quite funny and I'll crack the joke for you If you're not drinking beer and wine. You're into the spirits, but there's two different types of spirits. All right, I'm just trying to give you an analogy to let you know that it's the same with me. I'm just a normal, everyday human being spirit, soul and body. But if I choose to drink excessively alcohol then I will be controlled by the alcohol.
Speaker 1:So what we put in is what we get out. So if you're putting in the word of God through prayer and supplication, then that is what's going to come out of you. And the way to do this is a classic example is you're building something you know like a cubby house for the kids. You're not very good at it and you miss the nail and you hit your thumb and the words that come out of your mouth will determine what level of spiritual development you're at. Now. I'm not saying this is an accurate measure. You could be born again spirit-filled, you know, pastor, like me, and I could still go and stub my toe and profanities may come out of my mouth, my toe, and profanities may come out of my mouth, but hopefully there's enough of the word of God in me, so even though it's rising up ready to spit out through my mouth. I can stop it before it gets there. I hope that helps you understand, so that you can. We will then walk in the spirit, not the flesh. People will see Jesus in us as the fruit of the spirit, which is love. Galatians 5, 22 to 23.
Speaker 1:Now, while we're on the subject of that, let's just go a little bit deeper. Let's talk about the local church. Right, in a sense, there is a universal church made up of all saved people, you know, characterized as the body of Christ. Of the 116 times, however, that the word church is mentioned in the New Testament, the reference is to a local body of baptized believers organized to carry out the work of the Lord, jesus Christ, as his body on earth. Our concern is that the members of this local church will be filled with the knowledge of God, will and will do what it is meant to do. So when you're saying you're going to church, you're basically going to have fellowship with others in the body of Christ. It doesn't matter whether in a home, in the park, in a building, anything. The building is just something that we use as a tool to be able to, okay, be active in the church.
Speaker 1:So who's the head of the local church? Well, that's an easy question to answer. It's our Lord, jesus Christ. We need to get our marching orders from him. Every member is just as important as any other person. Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit not our own self-ambitions can we move. And I've probably mentioned this before, because there's a difference between, within the body of Christ, self-promotion and being promoted by God. Right, and hopefully you know, if you're led by the Spirit, the Lord's going to have you in the right place to do the right things. Now it just so happens that I'm going to be talking a little bit more about this next week when I'm on a different subject matter, bit more about this next week when I'm on a different subject matter. But I can clarify a little bit better then because it gives you a better understanding of who we are and what we need to do. And if you want to do some homework, we're going to be talking about Romans 4. It's a little precursor, okay.
Speaker 1:Remember, the Bible must be preached and explained by the man or the woman who stands at the pulpit. The cry of the people is Is there any word from the Lord? As it was in Jeremiah 37, 17,. Preaching the undiluted word helps bring spiritual growth and development. Jesus is making sure that we have got all the tools necessary for us to be able to do what needs to be done and we're able to fulfill the call of God. Jesus must be exalted in the church, in a beautiful home, in a well-furnished bedroom, or on the wall that is faded. You know it's ugly, it's unattractive. It doesn't matter If you are in the presence of God or you are doing a church service, and a typical example of this is in North Korea.
Speaker 1:Now there's a lot of underground churches, and sometimes they've had to memorize large portions of the Bible, because even being caught with the Bible could be imprisonment or death. So it's not the environment that you're in. Don't look at your surroundings and think this building that I'm currently in isn't pretty enough for me. So for me to hear from God, I need to be in a fancier church, one that's got more whistles and bells, a better praise and worship team. No, you go where you're being fed, right, and that's why, as a pastor preaching to a congregation, whether it be online or in a building of some kind the onus is on me to make sure that if I'm giving my personal opinion about something, I clearly state that Everything else must line up with the Word of God. If it's not in the Word of God you hear this from my introduction to my messages okay, everything from Genesis to Revelation and everything in between, if it's the word of God, that's what we're talking about. I want to look at the last thing each night and the first thing in the morning that we might be grateful for.
Speaker 1:This is where the prayer is vitally important to every Christian. You need to be able to, irrespective of how busy your life is. You need to make sure that we don't take our eyes off of Jesus. When Peter was in the boat and Jesus prompted him, said come to me. Peter stepped out of the boat. Everybody's saying that he lacked faith because he started to sink when he took his eyes off Jesus, but he had enough faith to believe that he could walk on the water the same way his Lord was. But the same thing happens with us in the natural. If you take your eyes off of him and you focus on other things, then we're watering down the word of God.
Speaker 1:Now, to be sure, we do have a great many churches today, but the devil spends more time in the church than anywhere else. A lot of people don't realize this. His real center of attack is church buildings have come under attack, the sermons are coming under attack, the music is coming under attack because, to a certain degree, everybody is trying to become more politically correct is the terminology that I would use. But the thing is, if it's pure, if it's unadulterated and it's the word of God, then that's what needs to be coming out the early church. They were known for their poverty and power, while too many of our modern churches are known for their wealth and their weakness. We live in an age of guided missiles and misguided men age of guided missiles and misguided men.
Speaker 1:When we're talking about prayer for Christians, we need to bear genuine Christian fruit. We also pray that your outward lives which means men see may bring credit to your master's name and that you may bring joy to his heart by being genuine Christian fruit that you acknowledge and you respect and you see God, so that you may grow deeper and deeper within him, so that you may grow deeper and deeper within him. Colossians 1.10 is a good place to start when reading that. I'm trying to get through all of this, so I might mention a few scriptures, but I'm trusting you, guys and girls, to look them up. All right, the need of the hour is for Christians to let light shine and to live right lives. No wonder the world stands off many times when they look at the church, seeing that all these things shall be dissolved. What matters of a person is what you ought to be. 2 Peter 3.11.
Speaker 1:Perhaps you hear of the little boy who heard the clock strike 16 times. Certainly it was in need of repair. The boy commented to his father it never has been this late before. While it's not ours to know the times or the season which the Father has put into his own power, we do not know. We are living in critical days time. If you go to an early service because you want to get into the early service, get out as quick as you can so you can have the rest of the day to yourself and to your family, in some aspects of that, that is right. But if your motivation is to do that because you feel obligated, then you've got the wrong mindset.
Speaker 1:Others that get there and we could have guest speakers and maybe they're going a little bit longer and you're looking at your watch to see what time you're able to get out of the church so you can get on with what you call life. You should never be in a hurry to leave a place where the Word of God is being spoken. The Word of God is life to us and with our busy schedules and our hectic lifestyles, you may find that, like I said before, that first 10 minutes in the morning and that last 10 minutes of the night where you do spend some time in prayer. The only other time you're spending time in the Word of God may be when you're listening to a sermon, and it doesn't matter whether you're listening to it online or whether you're sitting in a pulpit. You know organized church and someone is up there speaking. You need to make sure that you focus and you make sure that you're looking after the right things in the right order. I'll give you an example.
Speaker 1:Maybe you heard of the lad that was studying geography While his dad was reading the evening paper. The boy asked his father Dad, what is the shape of the world? Without even glancing up from his paper, the father replied. You know what did he reply? I wrote it in my notes here somewhere. Hang on a minute. Oh yeah. The boy asked the father what shape the world was. Without even glancing up from his newspaper, the father replied about the worst shape. I've ever saw. How the devil is working in the world today. He is deceiving countless millions. Materialism is reigning here in Australia and even more so in the US. In Australia and even more so in the US.
Speaker 1:And it is reported that Gandhi said I would be a Christian if it not were for all the Christians. But did you see the response of the father? But was he actually doing anything about it himself? He's busy reading the paper, doing his basic, normal daily activities, and his son asks a very simple question what shape is the world? And his answer is you know? You would assume he'd say oh, it's either flat or it's round, but he didn't. He's saying it's ever been before. God has given us this world and everything around us and we are supposed to be good stewards of our provision. That means we are supposed to be looking after everything that he's given us the rivers, the oceans, the trees, the animals, the vegetation, everything we are supposed to be looking after. But all we are doing is raping and pillaging this world on many, many levels.
Speaker 1:But I'm not going to get on my political soapbox. All right, you can relax, but I'm not going to get on my political soapbox. All right, you can relax. I'm just stating that this is a common statement that people will make. But it's like anything else. You know, it's a simple problem to fix, but we're just trying to look at it as very complicated.
Speaker 1:I mentioned once before a quote by Charles Mingus and he said making the simple complicated, that's commonplace. Making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that is creativity, and it's the same adage when you look at. And it's the same adage when you look at, you say how do you eat an elephant? Where do you start? On the foot, on the leg, on the trunk, on the back, on the flanks, whatever? You start one bite at a time. Don't look at the big picture as being everything that you have to fix.
Speaker 1:All you need to do is do your little part and if it lines up with the word of God, then you're in the right direction and, slowly but surely, others will come alongside you and they will be able to help you achieve what you want to do Everything in prayer and supplication. Make your requests known to him Right. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and then everything else will be added unto you. We must be consistent in our walk. We cannot afford to be inconsistent. Lost people had rather see a sermon than hear one. Our churches need disciples more than members. We need to walk like the king's children. Walk like the King's children. More than ever before, we are seeking all the whistles and bells that churches offer, rather than the undiluted word of our Lord and Jesus Christ.
Speaker 1:What I'm trying to say is all of us have a role to play. The level of participation is up to the individual. If you believe that you're supposed to be part of the five-fold ministry, then I strongly suggest that you pray earnestly about this, because we are to bear fruit for the Lord Jesus Christ. The fruit of a Christian is another Christian Like kind bears. Like kind bears, a true witness delivers souls. That's in Proverbs 14.25. So like-minded people think like-mindedly so, and it's like the old saying one bad apple in a barrel of good apples, if left there long enough, will contaminate every apple in that barrel and before you know it they're all rotten. Now I'm not saying you can't have non-Christian friends, you can't associate with non-Christian friends, because you're there to sow a seed, not to be a Bible basher, but you're there to sow a seed and in some way, shape or form, you'll be able to have an influence in their life. Be an influencer, not be influenced by others. Don't water down your faith to fit in with other groups. Be who you are and be who you're meant to be.
Speaker 1:Very few people try to win souls, and I'm not saying it's for everybody. That was me for a time and a season, but now my purpose and I believe the direction that I've got Jeremiah 29, 11, the Lord has revealed to me that it's now my time to get the word out there and this is what I'm hoping and praying will happen with my podcast, and it will grow and expand and touch more and more people's lives. We seek to visit in homes, but many times we do not try to win people to the Lord. Everyone is either a sole winner or a sole loser. Many sit in the grandstand when they need to be down on the field playing.
Speaker 1:It was said that Jesus returned to his throne following the completion of his earthly ministry, that Gabriel and a vast army of angels gathered to welcome him home, home. Gabriel serving as, basically, the vast army of angels and Gabriel serving as the spokesperson for that group. Inquiring Lord, did your mission to earth have the success that you had anticipated. Everything went off just as it had been planned by the Father. Jesus is alleged to have replied that's a hypothetical. It's not in the Word of God, it's just something that I thought may or may not happen on his return to the throne. But what plans have you made for making the message of salvation known to the rest of the world? The Lord answered I have entrusted this task to all of my disciples on the earth. But, lord, what if your disciples should fail? You Was logically the next inquiry. Well, if my disciples should fail, you was logically the next inquiry. Well, if my disciples should fail me, I have no other plan. I mean, that is a hypothetical conversation when Jesus gets back to the throne, but the thing is, the emphasis is very important and truthful.
Speaker 1:Christ expects each one of us who has been saved to tell all our unsaved relatives and friends about him and that they too may be saved. Our Lord never intended that pastors and missionaries be the only ones telling the story about lost souls and about our Saviour. There are so many other duties that we have the power for the task. It says in the Bible may he strengthen you in his glorious might, with ample power to meet whatever comes with fortitude, patience and joy. God has made provision for all of us to have the strength and the power to do his work. The root word, translated power, is the same as dynamite or dunamis Acts 1.8. Dynamite or dunamis Acts 1.8.
Speaker 1:While Jesus wanted his followers to witness to others about the gospel, which is the good news about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus for our sins 2 Corinthians 15.1-4, he holds them to wait until the Holy Spirit came so they would have the power that is needed. God makes available to his people the same power which raised Jesus from the dead. We cannot get along without God's power. Once a newspaper reporter asked William Booth what was wrong with the world and the great old man replied the world has tried to get along without God and it simply cannot be done. Some of these statements you think that are so profound are their relationship with God actually lays it on their heart what they should say.
Speaker 1:When a church relies upon organization, we get what organizations can do. When we reply along eloquence, we get what eloquence can do. When a person relies upon money, we get what money can do. When we rely on prayer, we get what God can do. And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever. I have commanded you and, lo, I am with you always, even until the ends of the world. Amen, matthew 28, 18 through to 20. Amen, matthew 28, 18 through to 20.
Speaker 1:The biggest task before us sometimes seems to be too great for us. Righteous are thou, o Lord, when I plead with thee. Yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments. Wherefore doeth the way of the wicked prosper? What for are all they happy that deal with treachery? Jeremiah 12.1. Look, I don't want you to fret. God has great power.
Speaker 1:A woman who could not keep a pet because she was too poor, kept a plant in the window. She wanted to remember that God was near and at work and God's power is available according to our capacity to receive it. The clean, concentrated vessel God could use. See, it's up to you to do what you believe reminds you of what God can do. Like you said, if you can't afford to have a pet and you want a pet to be able to actually show, well, this is what God created. You want a garden. You haven't got a garden. You could do an inside garden. The world is an oyster and within that oyster you will find a pearl. Within that oyster you will find a pearl. Now, what you do with that and how you get that to be a representation of God's creation is entirely up to you. Can he use us? Well, yes, of course he could use us. He wants to use us, but you've got to remember. Okay, mutual prayer support is what's important.
Speaker 1:Paul is the only New Testament writer to ask prayers of others in his behalf. Paul believed beyond a shadow of doubt in the effectiveness and the intercessory prayer. As we work hard, hand in hand and heart in heart, pastor and people together, let us pray for one another. I pledge that I will pray for you. Will you pledge that you will pray for me, that I will pray for you? Will you pledge that you will pray for me? As we pray for one another, we can trust God to bring success to our labours. Prayer is the gateway and he, jesus, is asking us to work together. So will you put him at the head of the table and put him in the driver's seat, or is he in the back seat, or maybe even in the boot of your car? Because where you place him in your life will determine your altitude, and your attitude always determines your altitude. So where are you going to place Jesus in your life and are you going to make prayer a priority this festive season?
Speaker 1:There are so many people that are going to be on holidays out on the roads doing whatever they do, drinking of days out on the roads doing whatever they do, drinking, driving, all sorts of stuff, right, and we don't want the death toll, not only in this country but in the entire world, to keep growing and growing and growing because people don't learn and they're all worried about me myself and I United. We stand divided, we fall. One could put 10 to flight 10, could put 100 to flight 100 could put 10,000 to flight United. Prayer at this pivotal time of the year is more important than ever before. So if you will give up at 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes of the night to do your prayer, read your devotionals and do a daily reading and perhaps even do the occasional plan.
Speaker 1:I don't advertise things personally myself, but if you get the Holy Bible app, then that's a good place to start, because it does verse of the day, it does, you know, refreshes what you could do in prayer, and then it has so many plans in here that you can do to learn more about the Word of God. If you believe that what you're getting in your congregation or from you know podcasts or however you listen to the Word of God and you need some more, I strongly recommend this. All right, god bless for now and we'll talk to you next week. All right, bye for now.